Congratulations Newly Licensed Architects

AIA South Carolina Celebrates Newly Licensed Architects in South Carolina

This week in Columbia, South Carolina’s newest architects were celebrated at a luncheon event that was jointly sponsored by AIASC and ADC Engineering.

The AIASC Board of Directors, the SC Board of Architectural Examiners, and AIASC’s Past Presidents’ and Fellows gathered at 701 Whaley as thirteen new architects were awarded honorary certificates to crown their achievement.

The theme of this first annual luncheon was “Take The Lead” and featured guest speaker, Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA who gave an inspiring presentation encouraging all architects to step up to the plate and help to shape a better future for all. She spoke of her leadership opportunities to address equity in architecture and reminded the room to be proud of the work that they do while also learning to share it with people outside of our profession as a way to champion the power of positive design for the community. Mrs. Gradstaff-Rice is an incoming 2018 – 2020 Director at Large for AIA’s national Board of Directors.

If you are a newly licensed architect in the state of SC and did not receive an invitation, please notify our office at 803.252.6050.

Important Links are as follows:
ADC Engineering (contact John Brandon) –
Emily Grandstaff Rice, FAIA –

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