Take Action – Conservation Coalition Update

As charter members of the SC Conservation Coalition, we want to keep you informed on issues affecting the conservation of South Carolina’s rich, diverse, and historic natural resources.

Each week, we will highlight an issue and post links to the Conservation Coalition’s Action Center where you can take action on current legislation the SCCC is tracking.

This week’s issue:
Energy Reform – The conversation on how to reshape the energy landscape in SC started quickly this past week. The lobby was abuzz with talk of the proposed Dominion-SCANA acquisition as well as NextEra’s presence in the state. The Senate discussed energy reform for the first day of session, with some Senators stressing action and others stressing the need to be deliberative and thoughtful. In addition, the SC Energy Caucus met this week and elected Rep. Ott (D-Calhoun) and Rep. Ballentine (R-Richland) as co-chairs to the new caucus. They discussed the opportunities now ahead of us as we chart a path towards a clean and responsible energy future.

Click here to take action on this week’s issues.

Click here for more information on the SC Conservation Coalition.

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