DesignIntelligence Survey

Clemson Architecture and Landscape Architecture Alumni

For the past 18 years, DesignIntelligence has conducted their annual survey of America’s Best Architecture & Design Schools. I write today to ask for your participation in the 2019-2020 survey.

These annual rankings are today’s leading resource to rank architecture and design programs on their ability to prepare graduates for professional practice. We are proud that our programs often are ranked highly in this survey, and know that the accomplishments and ongoing support of our alumni and friends contribute significantly to our success.

The results will be published to a new website as the 2019 America’s Top Ranked Architecture & Design Schools where three sets of rankings will be reported:

Most admired programs
Schools from which the greatest number of graduates are hired
Schools chosen as the strongest in each of twelve specialty focus areas

Please use the following links to access the surveys. Each of the three groups surveyed will be asked questions that match their area of expertise.

PROFESSIONS SURVEYS, hiring/supervising professionals within firms:

STUDENTS/NEW ALUMNI SURVEYS, undergraduates and graduates in programs, and new alumni who have graduated within the last two years.


Professionals will be asked where they hire from and why and which schools are strongest in 12 specialty focus areas as well as their opinions on changes in the world of professional practice. Deans and academics will be asked to comment on the current and future state of design education. Students will be asked how programs prepare them for practice and what their intentions are for applying their training after they graduate.

If you have questions or comments about the survey, you may contact Mary Pereboom, DesignIntelligence, Principal Research and Administration, If you have questions or comments about the education provided by Clemson’s School of Architecture, you can contact me. Thank you for your thoughtful and confidential participation.

Kate Schwennsen, FAIA

Director + Professor | School of Architecture
Clemson University

Lee 3-126 | Clemson, SC 29634-0503
T. +1.864.656.3895

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