AIASC’19 Annual Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities
SAVE THE DATE: September 26, 2019 // 1208 Washington Place // Columbia, SC // 10:00am–5:00pm
To purchase your sponsorship, please contact Tracey Waltz:
T (803) 252 6050
To Register, Click here.
Equity Speaker Sponsorship : $2500
Equity in Architecture South Carolina is a new committee of AIA SC that exists to promote and support equity and inclusion as the path to a diverse profession of architecture that improves lives and serves communities. By supporting firms, reducing barriers to success, and educating communities on the value of the profession, we can achieve a more diverse and inclusive profession.
In this afternoon session with Gabrielle Bullock, FAIA, NOMA, Principal and Director of Global Diversity with Perkins & Will, attendees will hear about how a passion for architecture and social justice can effect positive change, as well as means and methods to support local firms, firm leadership, and emerging professionals. We will also share updates on the committee’s progress, draft strategic plan, and have an interactive discussion to gather thoughts and input from the membership.
- Logo on screen & Printed thank you banner displayed at event
- Opportunity to say a few words prior to speaker
- 2 Tickets to Design Celebration & Happy Hour
- AIA SC Partner Sponsorship (includes free half-page ad in SCA Magazine & listing on website/newsletter)
- Includes 2 Allied Memberships
Happy Hour Sponsorship : $2500
Unwind with Architects from across the state after a day full of design award presentations and informative seminars.
- Sponsorship Signage with Logo at Bar
- Printed thank you banner displayed at event
- AIA SC Partner Sponsorship (includes free half-page ad in SCA Magazine & listing on website/newsletter)
- Includes 2 Allied Memberships
Table Sponsorship : $500
Display your support of AIASC at a 10-person dining table during the full day of design award presentations and informative seminars.
- Stanchion Signage with Logo at Table
- 1 complimentary registration to the Conference (includes Keynote, Business Meeting & Awards, and Afternoon Session)
- Includes 1 Allied Member Sponsorship
2019 AIASC General Sponsorships:
Friend : $1000
“Friend of Chapter” listing and logo on all digital media (includes weekly emails to all AIA SC Architects)
Sponsor listing in SCA Magazine & AIASC website
SCA Magazine Ad discount: 20%
Includes 1 Allied Membership
Allied Member : $500
“Allied Member” listing in SCA Magazine & AIASC website
SCA Magazine Ad discount: 10%
Member rates & discounts on all events throughout the year
Design Awards Magazine Ad placement
Full Page: $1,600
2/3 Page: $1,200
1/2 Page: $1,000 (Horizontal or Vertical)
1/3 Page: $800
2-Page Spread: $2,000
Back Cover: $1,900
Inside Front Cover: $1,800
Inside Back Cover: $3,400
1/4 Page: $400
1/8 Page: $250
To purchase your sponsorship, please contact Tracey Waltz:
T (803) 252 6050