A subsidiary of the AIA South Carolina chapter and the national American Institute of Architects.
We offer an array of programs and events including continuing education, local advocacy, networking, and raising awareness among the public about the value of the work of architects and design in our communities.
AIA Greenville, a local section of the South Carolina chapter of the American Institute of Architects, is a professional membership organization advocating for architects, designers and students, with more than 300 members.
AIA Greenville Leadership

Craig Gaulden Davis sdelgado@cdgarch.com
Sophia Delgado

Young Office jmcalister@youngoffice.com
Jennifer McAlister

McMillan Pazdan Smith ikordonis@mcmillanpazdansmith.com
Ian Kordonis

Mussman Architects mollie@mussmanarchitects.com
Mollie Greene

LS3P yarelysmith@ls3p.com
Yarely Smith

MHK blong@mhkarchitecture.com
Brandy Long

A M King cknight@amkinggroup.com
Catherine Kight

Clemson University bmbeerm@clemson.edu
Bryan Beerman
Knowledge Communities
AIA Greenville Sponsors
Sponsor Our Section
Corporate sponsor opportunities are available annually at various levels. Gold: $1200, Silver: $900, Bronze: $600. Download the prospectus for details on sponsor level benefits. Scan the QR code to make your sponsorship payment via PayPal. Be sure to include the level in the notes.